Page 10 - November 2017 inLEAGUE Resource Guide (Vol. 40, No. 5)
P. 10

Carpeting                                                Here are the questions that you should

                                                                 ask when you are selecting your
                (continued from previous page)
                                                                 1.) Has the selected carpet been tested and
                                                                 passed the CRI Green Label Plus for indoor air
        ing the scale of the pattern as well as the              quality?
        overall pattern repeat of the entire design.
                                                                 2.) Using a Federal approved NVLAP laboratory on
        There are a few archives of historic carpet              the actual carpet being produced for the theatre,
        patterns that have been identified as hav-               what are the results of the colorfastness testing?
        ing been designed and installed in a specific            3.) Using a Federal approved NVLAP laboratory on
        theatre or chain of theatres. Stuart Jackson             the actual carpet being produced for the theatre,
        LLC owns several hundred of these patterns.              what are the results of the NBS Smoke and Radiant
        Within these archives are also collections of            Panel Fire Testing?
        “woven carpet point sheets” that indicate                4.) Has the selected carpet been tested for the
        a color palette within these beautiful hand              Federal standard Appearance Retention Rating?
        drawn designs. What today takes a matter of              If it has, what was the score?
        hours to draw and design on a computer of-               5.) Has the finished carpet been measured for bow
        ten took weeks or months to draw and color               and shew by roll?  If it has, what were the results
        by hand.                                                 and do they comply with Federal and industry
        The only real unknown is the exact colors
        used in the original carpet. I have been sur-
        prised with original carpet you can find in at-         an old file cabinet in a closet, behind the
        tics, storage rooms, in the open foundation’s           walls of an addition to a space, and what
        spaces, under the threshold of doors, under             people have in their homes. A simple inquiry
                                                                in a local newspaper is often answered with
                                                                an original piece of the carpet that was
                                                                saved by an employee, friend or patron. Un-
             The best of both worlds                            like the tufted carpets manufactured today,
                                                                woven carpets often found a second or third
                                                                life when a theatre decided to replace car-

          World class theatre and                               We know there is a direct relationship be-
                                                                tween colors used to paint the interiors of
          acoustics design consulting for                       these theatres and the colors used in the de-

          historic performing arts venues.                      sign of carpets. A good color analysis of the
                                                                layers of paint on the wall is another source.

                                                                Deciding on the pattern and color place-
          We are proud to support the                           ment within a pattern is one issue. Remanu-

          League of Historic American                           facturing a replacement is another. The key
                                                                is selecting the proper carpet construction
          Theatres.                                             and then selecting a woven carpet manu-
                                                                facturer that uses the appropriate yarns,
                                                                dyes and backing yarns needed to construct
                                                                a long-term performing woven carpet. More
                                (732) 333-8003                  importantly, will the replacement carpet pass
                            current local fire codes, Federal Indoor Air
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