Page 24 - November 2017 inLEAGUE Resource Guide (Vol. 40, No. 5)
P. 24

theatre’s Executive Director, Facilities               the theatre’s needs and wants.
        Manager and operations and technical
        staff to compile information on every system,          Ideally, the prior year’s surplus is used to
        feature, and equipment throughout the                  fund the coming year’s capital needs. The
        venue, including determining anticipated               theatre collects a $3 per ticket preservation
        life spans and current replacement costs.              fee, which generates an average of
        Additionally, the consultant coordinated with          $275,000 - $300,000 that is either for capital
        structural, mechanical/electrical/plumbing             expenses or unneeded funds are added to
        experts, as well as with equipment vendors             an endowment for long-term investment.
        and service providers, to research details             The ultimate goal is that the fully-funded
        required for the development of a long-                endowment’s earnings will be sufficient to
        range capital plan.                                    cover future annual capital needs.

        With all of this
        information in hand,
        the theatre’s Executive
        Director compiled the
        data into a Capital
        Needs Assessment
        (CNA) spreadsheet. It
        detailed the extensive
        listing of infrastructure,
        systems, equipment,
        fixtures and furnishings
        along with their current
        replacement costs and
        projected future costs
        based upon a 3.5%
        compounded inflation
        factor plus an annual

        During each fiscal
        year’s fourth quarter,
        staff reviews the
        upcoming three years’ scheduled plan items.               Tennessee From Center Balcony
        At that time, the assessment consists of:
        1.  Does it need to be done as scheduled?              A significant benefit of the Capital Needs
                                                               Assessment Plan has been a demonstration
        2.  Has anything been overlooked?                      to the Board, donors and the community
                                                               that the 2005 renovation investment is being
        3.  What’s the updated cost estimate for               prudently and professionally well cared for
            scheduled needs?
                                                               long term. Additionally, it provides Board
        Once this review is finalized, in the first quarter    and staff a basis for special fundraising
        of the new year, projects are prioritized and          opportunities. For example, through grants
        scheduled. This then serves as the staff’s work        and donations, both large and small, 90%
        plan for the year. Except for emergency                of the marquee and blade sign repair was
        repairs, new items are not added to                    secured before using assessed preservation
        the current year’s capital plan. This has
        encouraged staff to think years ahead about                            continued page 25
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