Page 37 - November 2017 inLEAGUE Resource Guide (Vol. 40, No. 5)
P. 37
Company Description: Grapeseed Media
Since 1980, Gala Systems, a stage equipment
company, has been creating compact Contact:
and versatile theatre stage lifting devices. Joseph Yoshitomi, Director, Arts Strategies
We specialize in orchestra lifts, theatre 79 Madison Avenue, Floor 3
stage lifts, scenery lifts and piano lifts for New York, NY 10016
theatres, auditoriums, concert halls, casinos
and multipurpose venues. In addition, our (323) 841-1735
products include seating risers, table lifts for
multi-purpose configurations and self-guided Company Description:
stage risers or orchestra podiums and chorus Grapeseed Media engineers modern
risers for concert stages. Gala lifts are often advertising programs to drive revenue and
used to renovate existing theatres that have engagement. Our philosophy is the de-
no current orchestra pit lift or have an old lift emphasis of technology in favor of human
that no longer functions. To date we have intelligence and storytelling. And our services
replaced numerous hydraulic, screw jack and can be scaled and leveraged for theaters
chain lifts. GALA’s products and services have regardless of their size or location. We
a proven quality that spans our nearly 40 years leverage the most effective technologies
of experience. GALA has now completed available in programmatic digital advertising;
more than 1,600 projects in 65 countries using but the reason we consistently outperform
the Spiralift.
our competitors is how we harness human
intelligence. Our senior team of specialists
Genovese Vanderhoof & Associates makes surgical optimizations not available
through automated algorithms. Ad tech
Contact: systems cannot comprehend nuance or
Margaret Genovese, Senior Partner common sense the way our experienced
1103-77 Carlton Street data artisans do every day. This intelligent
Toronto, ON M5B 2J7 Canada human approach raises the bar for the results your business can expect from programmatic
(416) 340-2762 advertising today.
Company Description: Historic Plaster Conservation Services USA
Over the past 25 years, Senior Partners
Margaret Genovese and Dory Vanderhoof Contact:
have built one of North America’s leading Neal Mednick, Director Marketing &
arts/cultural management consulting firms. Communications
GV&A has an unparalleled record of success 330 Belleville Turnpike
in assisting their clients in executive search, North Arlington, NJ 07031
effective planning, capital campaigns,
successful facility development and (416) 432-0362
dramatic improvement to contributed and
earned income. The firm’s clients range Company Description:
from the continent’s largest ballet and For more than 60 years, John Tiedemann Inc.
opera companies, theatres, museums, art ( has specialized
galleries and orchestras, to highly specialized in interior decorative painting and plastering.
arts organizations, such as modern dance JTl’s associate company, Historic Plaster
companies, folk festivals, theatres for young
audiences, science museums, performing Conservation Services USA (HPCS · www. was formed in 1988 to
arts facilities, historic theatres, living history pursue opportunities in the very specific field
museums, arts service organizations and of architectural plaster conservation. HPCS
government agencies. addresses and repairs systemic deterioration
and structural problems of fragile plaster in
historic buildings, including theaters.
Resource Guide & Directory November 2017 INLEAGUE | PAGE 35