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specializing in Architectural Design for Historic
Preservation, Restoration, Planning and
Cultural Resource Management. Our firm Company Description:
has completed over 45 theatres of various Kostow Greenwood Architects (KGA) is
sizes and operating venues throughout the recognized a leader in the field of broadcast
United States and Canada. Sample projects ⁄ media facility design, performing arts, and
include Sarasota Opera, Ft. Sam Houston development. Project types include new
Theater (the first and only Silver LEED historic construction, adaptive-reuse, renovation
theatre project in the US), and the Majestic and historic preservation. The practice
Theater, Gettysburg. Killis Almond Architects, offers a full range of architectural and
PC offers its clients a full range of specialized interior design services from programming
services including architectural design for New and concept development through
Construction, Strategic Planning, Feasibility technical documentation and construction
Studies, Programming and Master Planning administration. Over the past 25 years,
services. Over the years, we have maintained the Firm’s success has centered on the
a strong dedication to the architectural ability to create exceptional buildings and
profession and our valued clients. environments that achieve both technical as
well as design excellence.
Kirwin and Simpson
Maury, Donnelly & Parr, Inc. / National
Contact: Trust Insurance Services
Alastair Simpson
Unit 13 Globe Industrial Estate, Rectory Road Contact:
Grays, ESX RM176ST United Kingdom Brian Phoebus, Executive Vice President 33 South Gay Street
+44 (0)1375 379200 Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 547-3188
Company Description:
Kirwin & Simpson have been providing first
class auditorium seating for the entertainment Company Description:
industry since 1945. As a 4th generation Maury, Donnelly & Parr, Inc. (MDP), is the
family business we are dedicated to creating administrator of National Trust Insurance
superior quality chairs and providing effective Services, LLC (NTIS) and the Historic
follow-up services. We support almost all the Theatre Insurance Program exclusive to
commercial London West End theatres and a LHAT. MDP Programs is proud to support
wide selection of theatres and concert halls LHAT as a strategic partner and to assist
throughout the UK, together with prestigious members in finding the most comprehensive
installations in North America. We specialise in and affordable insurance to meet their
creating bespoke seating for heritage theatres organization’s needs. Historic theatres are
which are sympathetic to chair designs of unique and this should be reflected in the
a bygone era but which incorporate the insurance products that protect them.
technologies which ensure the comfort and Our program provides policy features that
durability demanded by both modern theatre are not available in the general insurance
goers and owners. marketplace. As a subsidiary of the National
Trust for Historic Preservation, MDP/NTIS is the
leading provider of insurance solutions for
Kostow Greenwood Architects LLP historic properties.
Michael Kostow, Principal
594 Broadway, Suite 300
New York, NY 10012
(646) 808-3046
PAGE 38 | INLEAGUE League of Historic American Theatres