Page 16 - GMBF Business Guide
P. 16
Message from President
I am very delighted to connect with you all as we are approaching a new
year 2023 . On this occasion we would like to thank each one of you for
playing a very active role in all the initiatives of GMBF global in last year and
making it a Support System in real sense for all Businesses and Professionals.
The last year have been challenging for everyone but it was very heartening to
experience that everyone in group rose to the challenge in spirit of “I am because
We are” and experienced the power of Network in helping each other.
In the new year of GMBF , apart from continuing our ongoing activities, we
are starting a number of new initiatives such as inducting Global members,
Bio page for all members for better & active Networking, Industry Connect
program, Mentoring sessions & Start-up support, New Social media reach
to remain meaningfully connected with all of you and our CSR initiatives.
Counting on continued enthusiastic support from all of you.
On behalf of entire GMBF global board members and team we wish you happy
and prosperous new year 2023 .
Thanks and regards
Dr Sunil Manjarekar
GMBF global