Page 14 - The_Millennium_School_Annual_2019-20
P. 14


          from the

          Head Girl

        24th March 2019,
        An unforgettable day, when I was sworn in as the head girl of

        The Millennium  School. Proud m om ent,
        Proud enough to satiate m y desire for a m om ent like that to happen
        and to be etched in m y m ind and heart for years to com e.

        But this day did not just appear all of a sudden. Yes, it was in m y dream s
        f from  when I had entered this school but it was only 10 years later that I
        could bring this day to life.

        I was never afraid of responsibilities. So, I did welcom e these huge sets of
        duties with an open heart and a warm  sm ile.
        B But m y im agination ,in true sense, turned into a 'not so fun' reality when I had to

        handle a bunch of people, listen to their views, respect them , respond to them  and
        finally convince them . First tim e in m y life I had to be a leader and not just a
        person speaking up her views in the crowd with m any others.

        I had to 'lead' the crowd.
        I was the one who had to do this.
        I felt this responsibility m aybe for the first tim e.

        I It was a beautiful feeling.
        T This year of m y life was the m ost m em orable and blissful one. I was able to
        m anage the honour of m y post as well as the 'haunt' of boards. And it was all

        possible because of m y lovely teachers. I can never thank them  enough for always
        supporting m e and encouraging m e. If today I am  writing this, conveying m y
        experience and feelings as the headgirl, it is only possible because of m y

        facilitators. I don't think I would ever be able to pay off the love and trust that
        they had on m e but I surely can prom ise to m aintain their unshakable faith in m e
        where ever I go.

        Vedika Khurana
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