Page 15 - The_Millennium_School_Annual_2019-20
P. 15


          from the

          Head Boy

        “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for
        them selves.”
        The journey from  a young lad ,to a responsible student has been an
        endearing one. As the Head boy of this gracious school, I will be, for a
        lifetim e, indebted to m y alm a m ater for shaping m e into who I am  today.

        I had always been fascinated by this title of a Head Boy and had always
        d dream t of standing on terra firm a to attain this leadership. Managem ent is
        doing things right; leadership is doing the right things- this is precisely what
        would describe m y tenure of a Head Boy in m y school. W ith the undying support of
        m y fellow m ates and the constant guidance of m y honourable teachers, Principal
        and our respected service staff, I have tried to m ake every second count.

        T The price of greatness is responsibility and responsibilities take you through the trials
        and tribulations that life has to offer. My responsibilities em powered m e to understand

        the well being of an institution as a whole .I instilled in m yself  the belief, that to handle
        one’s self ,one m ust use his head; but to handle others, one m ust use his heart. The joy of
        bestowing m utual trust am ongst one another, achieving individual aspirations and
        learning to give back to society as a unit cannot be transcended into words.

        I e
        I xpress m y inexplicable gratitude to m y school for fostering our transition from
        children to thinking beings,for instilling the value of discipline,for teaching us hum ility in

        success and courage in failure,for giving us um pteen opportunities in discovering
        ourselves,for teaching us how to lead and be led.

        I have been im m ensely benefitted from  m y role and duties. There always com es a day in
        I h
        our lives when we have to end what seem s like a lifetim e to start and welcom e a new
        beginning. Today is definitely one of those days. I pledge to serve this august institution
        whenever it shall need m e.

        Udayan Sajdeh
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