P. 10


                   The warmth and generosity of all of those who helped me in my research and writ-
              ing continually amazed me, and I apologize to anyone I fail to mention here. In partic-
              ular, I would like to thank my advisers at Northwestern University—Jim Ettema, Tom

              Goodnight, Jim Schwoch, and Jeff Winters—for their encouragement, suggestions,

              and careful readings of different drafts of this project. As the work continued, friends
              and colleagues—Gwen Walker, Erin Cantos, Denise Lamb, Duncan McCargo, Susan
              Zaeske, Rob Asen, Marty Medhurst, and Karen Rebholtz—gave helpful comments on
              my revised drafts. I am especially indebted to Eunsook Jung, who supported the proj-
              ect at critical moments and aided in the visual conceptualization of my argument, and
              Charlotte Frascona, who helped me think through various challenges at each stage.
                   I owe special thanks to all who gave me their time and provided insights in inter-
              views and other conversations throughout my year of fieldwork in Jakarta and Manila.
              For sharing their files and allowing me an inside perspective on the workings of their
              organizations, I am grateful to Heru Hendratmoko, Lukas Luwarso, Ezki Suyanto,
              and Achmad Taufik of Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI); the staff of Ramako-FM;
              Haris Jauhari and Despen Ompusunggu of Ikatan Jurnalis Televisi Indonesia (IJTI);
              S. Leo Batubara, Asep Sunara Martadiredja, and H. M. Purnowo of Serikat Penerbit
              Suratkabar (SPS); Ignatius Haryanto and Rusdi Marpaung (Ucok) of Lembaga Studi
              Pers & Pembangunan (LSPP); Lin Neumann of the Committee to Protect Journal-
              ists (CPJ); Andreas  Harsono of Institut Studi Arus Informasi (ISAI); Budiman S.
              Hartoyo of Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia Reformasi (PWI-Reformasi); Kukuh San-
              yoto of Masyarakat Pers dan Penyiaran Indonesia (MPPI); Hinca Pandjaitan of the
              Media Law Center; Ade Armando of the University of Indonesia; Magdalena Daluas of
              TVRI; Irawati Pratigno of AC Nielsen; Ilham Bintang of Persatuan Wartawan Indone-
              sia (PWI); Syamsul Ma’arif of Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI); and the members of
              the Jakarta Media Center.
                   For their hospitality and insights while I was in Jakarta, many thanks to Alwi
              Dahlan, Aristides Katoppo, Atmakusumah Astraatmadja, Bambang Harymurti, Chus-
              nul Mar’iyah, Daniel Dhakidae, Dede Oetomo, Djafar Assegaff, Eka Sitorus, Gunarso
              Kusumodiningrat, Ishadi S.K., Joesoef Isak, John McBeth, K. Basrie, Kathleen Reen,
              Marsillam Simanjuntak, Miriam Nainggolan, M.S. Zulkarnaen, Parni Hadi, Riza Pri-
              madi, Rosihan Anwar, Sumita Tobing, Trimoelja Soerjadi, Wimar Witoelar, Xanana
              Gusmão, and Yuli Ismartono. Thanks also to Teri Caraway, Beth Drexler, and Bronwyn
              Curran for their valuable friendship during our year of living through the turmoil and
              revelry of post-Suharto Indonesia. In Manila, I also benefited greatly from the counsel
              of Sheila Coronel, Melinda Quintos de Jesus, and Helen Mendoza.
                   Much love and gratitude to Jakarta friends Delfina Yuniara, Teguh Dewabrata, and
              Dameria Nainggolan, who taught me so much and helped me in more ways than I can
              begin to name here. Warm thanks also to my Jakarta research assistants, Sora, Eva,
              Hera, Sylvia, Yuli, Fenty, Yuni, Rully, and Joy, for all their work clipping, filing, and
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