P. 11
x Acknowledgments
As the project moved toward publication at Cornell University Press, I received
two invaluable reports from anonymous reviewers that served as my roadmap to revi-
sions. In this process, Sarah E. M. Grossman proved an ideal editor, both providing
encouragement and pressing me toward completion. When the book went into pro-
duction, Karen Hwa, senior production editor at the press, and the book’s copy editor,
Florence Grant, were both assiduous and thoughtful.
Finally, and most importantly, I owe an enormous debt to my parents, Kathryn
and Edward Pixley; my husband, Alfred McCoy; my in-laws, Margarita Piel McCoy,
Margarita Candace Ground, and Marcella Pixley; and my brother, Stephen Pixley, for
being the audience that gave my writing meaning, and to my children, Meg and Cyrus,
for coming into my life in the middle of this project and bringing me happiness on
even the hardest days.