Page 100 - Minutes of meeting
P. 100

The Productivity Challenge                                                                             Forecast FTE Growth (2017-33) in Cumbria

   Employment Forecasts                                                                                         Area         2017 FTEs       2033 FTEs        (number)       Change (%)

                                                                                                          Allerdale            34,500          34,700            200            0.3%
   Forecasts from 2017 to 2033 project zero net growth in FTE* jobs in                                    Barrow               27,000          27,000             0             0.0%
   Barrow during this period. This compares unfavourably with                                             Carlisle             51,500          52,300            800            2.2%
   increases above 1% in South Lakeland, 2% in Carlisle, and a                                            Copeland             30,300          30,100            -200           -1.4%
   marginal increase in the wider county of Cumbria.                                                      Eden                 23,200          23,300            100            0.4%
                                                                                                          South Lakeland       46,200          46,500            300            1.1%
   These projections do not account for the impact of the Coronavirus,                                    Cumbria             212,700          213,900          1,200           0.6%
   which is likely to depress FTE growth in the short term (<5 years),                                    FTE Growth (2017-33) in Cumbria by Sector
   although the longer term impact is not yet known. Nevertheless, the

   projections remain significant, being based on long term trends
   underpinned by structural factors of the economy.

   The manufacturing sector is predicted to lose 5,300 FTEs by 2033
   across the Cumbrian economy. The significant presence of
   manufacturing in the Barrow borough indicates that Barrow is likely
   to be most exposed to drivers of change in the sector such as
   automation. Education and Public Administration will also both see
   decreasing FTEs in the County, this will also depress FTEs growth in
   Barrow where these sectors account for over 11% of total jobs.

   Loses in these sectors in Barrow will be offset by growth in the
   Health sector, in which FTEs are forecast to grow across Cumbria by
   13% to 2033. Transport & Storage and Construction are predicted to

   grow c.15% to 2033, which will bolster FTEs in Barrow where these
   sectors jointly account for 7% of jobs.

   Source: Experian; *FTE refers to Full Time Equivalent measure of employment accounting for part time work
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