Page 108 - Minutes of meeting
P. 108
The Productivity Challenge
Important Sectors - Energy
The energy sector in Barrow is small, but productive, and a key driver of
CURRENT OVERVIEW economic growth. Activity is concentrated in the production and distribution of
Jobs (2018) electricity. Niche strengths include:
▪ West Coast O&M hub for offshore wind serving five main offshore wind
Energy farms that together account for over 20% of the UK’s current installed
Number 250
▪ Rampside Gas Terminal operated by Spirit Energy, linked to significant gas
% of all jobs 0.8% fields in the Irish Sea/Morecambe Bay
LQ vs England 1.8
The sector has strong supply chain links with the manufacturing sector,
% Change (2013-18) 43% including the £40bn nuclear deterrent Dreadnought programme.
. Future opportunities include:
Businesses (2019) LOCAL SPECIALISMS
▪ Further offshore wind licensing
Production of Electricity ▪ Tidal generation in the Duddon Estuary
Number 15 100 jobs; LQ = 2.75 and Morecambe Bay
% of all businesses 0.8% Distribution of Electricity ▪ Biomass and micro hydro
LQ vs England 4.7 100 jobs; LQ = 2.03 ▪ Carbon capture and storage solutions
% Change (2014-19) 50%
Source: UKBC, ONS, 2019; BRES, ONS, 2019