Page 149 - Minutes of meeting
P. 149

The Labour Market Challenge


         Occupations of Barrow’s Residents & Workers, 2014-19

 Occupation  BTD Area Residents  Barrow’s Residents  Barrow’s Workers

 No.  Change  No.     Change                     No.                  Change
 (2019)  (2014-19)  (2019)  (2014-19)          (2019)                (2014-19)
 Managers, directors and   1,200  1,800

 senior officials  33%   6%                     1,300                    -7%

 Professional occupations   3,700  -12%  5,800  29%  7,900               46%
 Associate prof & tech   1,900  3,400           3,700
 occupations   -39%      0%                                              23%

 Higher level occupations  6,800  -17%  11,000  15%  12, 900             32%

 Administrative and
 secretarial occupations   1,000  -63%  1,700  -48%  1,300              -52%

 Skilled trades occupations  4,400  29%  5,100  21%  3,100              -39%

 Caring, leisure and other   2,500  3,200
 service occupations   -19%  -24%               2,600                   -30%
 Sales and customer service
 occupations*   900  -47%  1,100  -35%          1,500                   -25%
 Process, plant and   1,400  2,400
 machine operatives**   -44%  -4%               2,300                    5%

 Elementary occupations  3,900  -13%  3,900  -19%  3,000                -23%

 Total  20,900  28,400                         26,700

 * Data for April 2018 – March 2019 is used, as latest available data is suppressed due to small sample size.
 Source: Annual Population Survey, ONS 2019  ** Data for July 2018 – June 2019 is used, as latest available data is suppressed due to small sample size.
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