Page 153 - Minutes of meeting
P. 153
The Labour Market Challenge
Summary of skills deficiency, 2017
Skill gaps are pronounced in Cumbria, with 17% of
employers reporting skill gaps (compared to 13% in Cumbria LEP North West England
England). Skill shortages are a significant feature,
with 31% of all vacancies defined as skill-shortage No. of skills gaps* 15,100 154,800 1,060,000
vacancies (compared to 22% in England).
Consultation with major employers in the town, No. of not fully proficient staff 6% 5% 4%
including BAE Systems, highlight the scale of the (as a % of employment)
skills shortage challenge they face and the % of establishments with any 17% 15% 13%
difficulties experienced in attracting talent to the
area. not fully proficient staff
Skill Shortages, 2017 Skill Gaps, 2017
Cumbria North England Cumbria North England
LEP West LEP West
Number of vacancies* 7,300 100,900 872,500 % of establishments with:
% of all vacancies that are skill- 31% 22% 22% Any skills gap 17% 15% 13%
shortage vacancies
A skill-shortage 8% 6% 6%
Establishments with any vacancy
vacancies 20% 20% 20%
Either a skill gap of 20% 19% 17%
Establishments with at least one 11% 8% 8% skill-shortage vacancy
hard-to-fill vacancy
Both skills gap and 4% 2% 2%
Establishments with a skills 8% 6% 6% skill-shortage vacancy
shortage vacancy
Source: Employer Skills Survey, DoE, 2018 * Figures rounded to the nearest 100.