Page 178 - Minutes of meeting
P. 178

The Well-being Challenge

   Health Deprivation

                                                                                                     Another specific domain in the English Indices of Deprivation
                                                                                                     data is health deprivation. This domain is based on indicators
                                                                                                     of physical and mental health and illness, as well as life

                                                                                                     Virtually all of Barrow-in-Furness is in the top half of all areas
                                                                                                     nationally for health deprivation, with a significant proportion
                                                                                                     of the town in the most 10% deprived – including almost all

                                                                                                     of the town centre, the industrial fringes to the north and
                                                                                                     east, and parts of Walney Island. Suburban areas to the
                                                                                                     north east and east are the least deprived within the town,
                                                                                                     but are still deprived in terms of health relative to most other
                                                                                                     parts of England.

                                                                                                     With no parts of the Barrow Town Deal Area scoring
                                                                                                     positively in the health domain the large scale of the health
                                                                                                     and well-being challenge is made clear.

   Copyright © Hatch 2018. All Rights Reserved. Map contains OS data, Crown Copyright. Data source: English Indices of Deprivation, 2019
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