Page 183 - Minutes of meeting
P. 183

The Well-being Challenge

 Health & Well-being

 The life expectancy of Cumbria’s female residents (83) is in line with England and one year higher compared to the rest of the
 North West. Whilst male residents’ life expectancy (79) is also one year higher than that in the North West, it is lower compared
 to England (80).

 In Cumbria, the proportion of life spend in good health by female and male residents is 80%. Cumbria’s female population
 appears to enjoy a longer proportion of their life in good health compared to the North West and England, where healthy life
 expectancy amounts to 76% and 77% of the total. The rates noted for males are broadly in line with that of comparator

 However, at a more localised level, 53% of Barrow’s LSOAs are amongst the most deprived nationally, according to the health
 deprivation and disability sub-domain of the Indices of Deprivation. Barrow ranks 5 worst nationally, in terms of this metric.

 Life Expectancy and Healthy Life Expectancy, 2016-8*

 Area  Female  Male

 Life   Healthy life   % life in   Life   Healthy life   % life in
 expectancy   expectancy   good   expectancy   expectancy   good health
 at birth  at birth  health  at birth  at birth

 Cumbria  83  66  80%  79  63  80%

 North West  82  63  76%  78  62  79%

 England  83  64  77%  80  63  80%

 * Data are aggregated over three consecutive years.

 Source: ONS Health State Life Expectancy, 2019; English Indices of Deprivation, 2019
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