Page 266 - Minutes of meeting
P. 266

Appendix A - Draft Strategic Framework

 10 Strategic Objectives    10 Features of the Socio-Economic   Likely Output Categories
                                 •   No. of learners gaining NVQ L3+
                                 •   No. of learners gaining NVQ L4+
                                 •   No. of participants gaining employability
                                    skills (digital, soft skills such as leadership,
                                    teamwork, communication etc)
 To strengthen progression pathways through a dynamic   Young people in Barrow need to be filled with   •   No. of learners progressing to Further
 and integrated approach to school, further and higher   confidence and a sense of opportunity to drive a   Education
 education    pipeline of future talent. The number of school leavers   •   No. of learners progressing to Higher
 progressing to HE is much lower than it should be and   Education
 higher-level skills are markedly under-represented   •   No. of learners gaining NVQ L3+
 with only 25% of the BTD area possessing NVQ L4+   qualification or equivalent
 qualifications                  •   No. of learners gaining NVQ L4+
                                    qualification or equivalent
                                 •   No. of apprenticeship starts
                                 •   No. of participants gaining employability
                                    skills (digital, soft skills such as leadership,
                                    teamwork, communication etc)
                                 •   No. of work
                                    opportunities created
 To reduce deprivation and improve the physical and   30% of LSOAs in the BTD are within the 10% most   •   No. of children with improved educational
 mental health and well-being of our community    deprived LSOAs nationally; income deprivation   outcomes (KS2, KS4)
 affecting children is stark with 28% of LSOAs amongst   •   Local jobs created/sustained within Barrow
 the 10% most deprived nationally; 5th most deprived   •   Jobs created/sustained offering secure
 district for health deprivation & disability   employment
                                 •   Improved blue/green infrastructure i.e.
                                    Tonnes of CO2 savings; quantity (m2) of
                                    publicly accessible green space by type
                                    e.g. children’s play space, outdoor sport
                                    facilities etc
                                 •   Investment in culture/leisure assets (£)
 To be a digitally connected and physically accessible   Peripherality is a significant feature of the Barrow   •   No. of premises with access to
 town supporting walking, cycling and public transport    economy. There is a net inflow of people travelling into   Superfast/Ultrafast broadband
 the town to access employment, particularly from   •   No. of residents with 4G/5G coverage
 South Lakeland and Copeland and active travel is a   •   Km of cycleways/walkways
 popular mode of travelling to work. Harnessing the

 Private and confidential
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