Page 262 - Minutes of meeting
P. 262

Appendix A - Draft Strategic Framework

             1.  Draft Strategic Framework


             1.1    The Barrow Town Development Plan Group discussed the draft vision at a meeting on the
                    17  of March 2020. This has been refined as follows:

                     “To build on our economic strengths, rich industrial heritage, natural beauty and sense of
                     community to develop a town that is economically dynamic and diverse, sitting at the
                     forefront of innovation and green growth, viewed as a great place to live, study, work and
                     visit and home to a healthy population that can deliver a prosperous, inclusive and fair

                    Strategic Objectives

             1.2    The draft strategic objectives were discussed by the Plan Development Group and points
                    for refinement noted. The following table summarises a revised set of Strategic Objectives
                    for the Town Deal Board’s consideration.

             Private and confidential
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