Page 258 - Minutes of meeting
P. 258
Date of Meeting: 17 April 2020
Reporting Officer: Place and Enterprise
Manager – Cumbria CC
Title: Draft Socio-Economic Narrative
Summary and Conclusions:
The Government are explicit that the development of the Town Investment
Plan should be closely linked to a robust evidence base.
The socio-economic narrative seeks to provide this critical evidence; looking
to quantify key issues and opportunities affecting the town and in so doing
providing a clear foundation for the further development of the Town
Investment Plan.
It is recommended that the Town Deal Board:
1. Note and provide feedback on the draft Socio-Economic Narrative.
To secure Town Deal funding, there is a requirement to prepare a well-
evidenced Town Investment Plan. The role of this is to set out a clear
understanding of the area; focusing on its assets, opportunities and
The purpose of the Socio-Economic Narrative report is to provide background,
context and evidence of need to underpin the development of the Town
Investment Plan. A draft of this report is provided as Appendix and this
Macro-economic drivers of change
The prevailing policy environment
Socio-economic challenges
Assets and opportunities for growth
The report concludes with identification of the strategic implications for the
Barrow Town Investment Plan, noting: