Page 254 - Minutes of meeting
P. 254

Draft Strategic Objectives

     The contents of this research report validate the draft strategic objectives put forward by the Plan Development Group, as

       10 Strategic Objectives                                 Is the objective validated by the evidence?

        To reduce deprivation and improve the                   Yes: 30% of LSOAs in the BTD are within the 10% most deprived LSOAs nationally; income
        physical and mental health and well-being               deprivation affecting children is stark with 28% of LSOAs amongst the 10% most deprived nationally;

        of our community                                        5th most deprived district for health deprivation & disability

        To be a digitally connected and physically              Yes: peripherality is a significant feature of the Barrow economy. There is a net inflow of people
        accessible town supporting walking,                     travelling into the town to access employment, particularly from South Lakeland and Copeland and
        cycling and public transport                            active travel is a popular mode of travelling to work. Harnessing the power of digital technologies will

                                                                ensure Barrow has the best infrastructure to stay ahead through generating business growth, fostering
                                                                innovation and improving lives.

        To deliver a more diverse and attractive                Yes: median house prices are significantly below benchmarks. Barrow has good access to affordable

        housing offer while ensuring the continued              housing, but the housing mix is limited (50% terrace) and there is a lack of high quality aspirational
        renewal of our existing stock                           housing to attract and retain people.

        To achieve a vibrant town centre, leisure               Yes: above average vacant units (14%) in the town centre*. Retail heart has been damaged by out-of-

        and service offer supporting the role of                town shopping and rise of e-commerce, with major retailers earmarked for closure (M&S). Retail spend
        Barrow as a regional centre while                       leakage is undermining the BTD potential.
        enhancing our rich built and cultural


        To put residents at the centre of public                Yes: meet increased demand on local public services as a result of economic and housing growth and
        service delivery                                        demographic change; improved service delivery around citizen needs.

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