Page 253 - Minutes of meeting
P. 253

Draft Strategic Objectives

 The contents of this research report validate the draft strategic objectives put forward by the Plan Development Group, as

 10 Strategic Objectives   Is the objective validated by the evidence?

 To build on our strengths to help Barrow   Yes: clusters of activity as shown by employment, businesses and GVA. Manufacturing accounts for 30%
 become a centre of excellence and   of employment and has an LQ of 3.82. Energy production accounts for approximately 1% of employment
 innovation for advanced manufacturing and   with an LQ of 1.76.
 clean growth

 To create a resilient local economy   Yes: there are five large employers’ accounting for 12,100 employees in the town (43% of all BTD

 through greater diversification, enhanced   jobs). The foundational economy in Barrow is a major employer but the productivity gap between the
 competitiveness and providing a wider   town and the national average is pronounced. Self-employment levels are half that of the national
 range of quality employment opportunities   average and business birth rates are over a third below the national average.

 To grow the working age population by   Yes: Barrow is depopulating (-1% since 2013) and is forecast to continue to decline driven by falls in

 creating an attractive and vibrant place to   younger and working age cohorts. There is a net out-flow of those aged below 24 from the town.
 live, work and visit

 To equip people with the skills and   Yes: There is a 16-percentage point gap between the occupations of BTD residents and the Barrow

 confidence to achieve their potential to   workforce, indicating that higher level talent is having to be imported into the area.
 take full advantage of opportunities

 To strengthen progression pathways   Yes: Young people in Barrow need to be filled with confidence and a sense of opportunity to drive a

 through a dynamic and integrated   pipeline of future talent. The number of school leavers progressing to HE is much lower than it should
 approach to school, further and higher   be and higher-level skills are markedly under-represented with only 25% of the BTD area possessing
 education   NVQ L4+ qualifications

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