Page 298 - Minutes of meeting
P. 298
Date of Meeting: 17 April 2020
Reporting Officer: Place and Enterprise
Manager Cumbria CC
Title: Town Investment Plan Programme
Summary and Conclusions:
The paper asks that the board note progress in the development of the Town
Investment and key activities over the coming four weeks
It is recommended that the Town Deal Board:
1. Note the interim programme and priority activity over the coming four
Since January 2020 work as being ongoing to progress the development of
our Town Investment Plan. This has seen governance arrangements being
put in place, the town deal boundary being agreed, a vision and objectives
progressed, economist support subject to a tender exercise and a draft
communications strategy developed.
Notwithstanding this it should be noted that guidance on the timescales and
processes in developing the plan has been somewhat scant. The
Government recognise this and we have been advised that further guidance is
considered imminent.
In early March encouragement was given for Barrow to pursue a May
submission. However in light of the COVID-19 crisis these timescales we
further reviewed and the conclusion was reached that the target should
remain July, which is nonetheless ambitious.
Appendix A to this report contains the latest interim programme supporting the
development of the town investment plan. It is intended that this will remain
under review pending the receipt of further guidance from MHCLG.
Pending this further advice and mindful of the need to maintain momentum,
over the next four weeks the following priority actions have been identified: