Page 62 - Minutes of meeting
P. 62

External Influences – COVID 19                                                               Economic exposure

   Hatch Regeneris have collated data under three themes,
   economic, societal and health, to assess the exposure of local
   authorities across England to the socio-economic impact of
   Covid-19. Based on each indicator, those Local Authorities in

   the top 25% have been classified as ‘Most Exposed’, those in
   the middle 50% have been classified as ‘Exposed’ and those in
   the bottom 25% have been classified as ‘Least Exposed’.
                                                                                                Health exposure
   The adjacent tables include the exposure ranks for each local
   authority in Cumbria, allowing us to see Barrow’s exposure
   relative to all authorities in England and how it compares to
   neighbouring areas.

   Looking at economic exposure to Covid-19 (based on the
   sectors mandated to close by the government), as well as
   levels of self-employment (included because of the less robust
   governmental support available) Barrow is relatively
   unexposed.                                                                                   Societal exposure

   However, on societal and health based measures
   Barrow is more exposed. The borough has a

   relatively high proportion of people who do not
   use the internet, meaning that important updates
   could take longer to reach all of the population.
   Also, with high levels of income and health
   deprivation, the physical and financial toll of the
   disease could be especially heavy on Barrow.

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