Page 66 - Minutes of meeting
P. 66

Summary Implications – Policy Environment

     The Barrow Town Investment Plan is informed by the prevailing policy environment as summarised below.

     ▪ Barrow features strongly in the Cumbria Local Industrial Strategy, and is a major player in driving growth in key sectors
          such as advanced manufacturing, health and social care, and energy. The strengths and challenges presented by Barrow
          are well understood by the Local Enterprise Partnership and the County Council, and there is support for the realisation of
          major projects to deliver inclusive growth

     ▪ Barrow has a role to play in closing the productivity gap that exists in the UK as part of the national industrial strategy, and
          as a major player in the UK offshore industry the town has a key role to play in responding to the Grand Challenge of
          Clean Growth

     ▪ The NP11 Energy and Clean Growth Strategy is well aligned with the opportunities present in Barrow including offshore
          wind, nuclear, and maximising tidal resources

     ▪ The policy imperative to facilitate local people to access better quality jobs and increase spend in the Barrow area is
          clear within Cumbria County Council and Barrow Borough Council policy priorities

     ▪ There is Council support for prioritising the infrastructure required to facilitate economic growth and maximise
          opportunities from large scale projects, with a series of identified priorities including transport and digital improvements, and
          support for the delivery of housing and employment sites

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