Page 71 - Minutes of meeting
P. 71

Strategic Context

 UK Industrial Strategy, 2017  Barrow has a role to play in closing the productivity gap that
   exists in the UK.
 The UK Industrial Strategy seeks to create an economy that
 boosts productivity and earning power throughout the UK,   Northern Powerhouse Strategy, 2016
 underpinned by five foundations of productivity:
   The Northern Powerhouse Strategy establishes a vision for
 + Ideas – the world’s most innovative economy  “joining up the North’s great towns, cities and counties, pooling
   their strengths, and tackling major barriers to productivity to
 + People – good jobs and greater earning power for all   unleash the full economic potential of the North”.

 + Infrastructure – delivering a major upgrade to the UK’s   Relevant priorities include:
   + Improving connections between towns and cities in the
 + Business Environment – the best place to start and grow a   North
   + Improving educational standards and skill levels across the
 + Places – providing prosperous communities across the UK  region

 The Industrial Strategy responds to four identified grand   + Ensuring the North continues to be an excellent location to
 challenges:  undertake R&D, develop innovative ideas and start and
        grow a business
 + Putting the UK at the forefront of the AI and data revolution
   Identified strengths of the North include manufacturing,
 + Maximising the advantages for UK industry in the global   pharmaceuticals, energy and digital sectors.
 shift to clean growth

   Identified challenges of the North include lagging productivity
 + Becoming a world leader in shaping the future of mobility  compared to the South; poor connectivity limiting the reach of
   northern cities’ labour markets, wages and productivity; lagging
 + Harnessing the power of innovation to help meet the needs   innovation and enterprise; and a lower proportion of highly
 of an ageing society   skilled workers.

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