Page 77 - Minutes of meeting
P. 77

Strategic Context

 Cumbria’s Economic Ambition   Cumbria Infrastructure Plan

 Cumbria’s Economic Ambition establishes a vision to “exploit   The Cumbria Infrastructure Plan prioritises the infrastructure
 opportunities that build on the County’s strengths and natural   needed to facilitate economic growth and maximise
 assets, and through its leadership, will put in place the building   opportunities from large scale projects over the next 15 years.
 blocks to create an inclusive and prosperous economy”.
 Identified priorities in relation to Barrow include:
 Relevant key priorities include supporting advanced
 manufacturing opportunities, including increasing the scope for   ▪ A590 corridor enhancements
 local people to access high value jobs, live close to where they   ▪ Flood resilience and mitigation
 work, and increase spend in the Barrow area.

 ▪ Port of Barrow improvements
 Identified challenges include: lagging productivity, rapidly

 ageing population structure, above average precarious   ▪ Connecting Cumbria Phase 3: 4G and Broadband

 employment, below average earnings, incidence of youth   connectivity
 unemployment and concentrations of deprivation, skill gaps and   ▪ Cumbria Coastal Railway Enhancements

 shortages, dependence on limited number of key

 sectors/employers, including the public sector; housing   ▪ Rail Station improvements
 affordability challenges in some areas; and vacancies in retail   ▪ Town Centre transport improvements

 ▪ Support for the delivery of key housing and employment
      sites including Barrow Waterfront Business Park and Marina

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