Page 79 - Minutes of meeting
P. 79

Strategic Context

 Barrow Borough Local Plan 2016-2031

 “By 2031 Barrow Borough will be a place where a thriving diverse economy is supporting strong inclusive, active communities.
 There will be an improved housing offer, where everyone has access to a decent home, education, skills and job opportunities.
 There will be high quality open spaces and leisure facilities and vibrant town centres with a strong retail offer. The built and
 historic environment will be of a high quality and heritage assets will be protected and enhanced. Health and well-being will have
 improved in the Borough and  the natural environment, landscape and soils will be protected and enhanced. Resources will be

 managed sustainably and waste and pollution minimised”.

 The Local Plan establishes the vision for the economy of Barrow, to include:

 ▪ A leading and pivotal role in West Cumbria’s economy with sustainable economic growth based on a highly skilled workforce
 operating effectively in national and international markets

 ▪ An attractive place for local people, investors, businesses and tourists

 ▪ The number, variety and quality of employment opportunities will have increased to create a more diverse economic base for
 the area

 ▪ New business start up and inward investment are encouraged

 ▪ Local people have the skills and expertise to access jobs created

 A series of policies underpin this vision.

 There are a number of complementary initiatives underway in Barrow which the Town Deal will align with, including a Future High

 Street Fund bid, Heritage Action Zone bid, and a Homes England LAAC bid, in addition to other investment opportunities.

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