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“Be The Dream” Black History
Month 2021 Talent Show
Rich Township High School’s African American
Culture Club presents ... “Be The Dream” Black
History Month 2021 Talent Show African American
Culture Club Sponsors: Mrs. Bridget Stewart & Ms.
LaChe Pool **We do not own the rights to this
• Through a partnership with the Park Forrest library, our students have been afforded
opportunities for free crafts kits. The March kit is for dot painting. Kits can be picked up from
the STEM campus media center.
• Congratulations to the Rich Township Business Professionals of America members who
attended and competed in the 2021 BPA State Leadership Conference. Opening session was
held on Sunday, February 21. Individual events were scheduled February 22-24 from 4:00-8:00
pm and throughout the day on February 25 & 26. Special congratulation to Aniya Harris for
qualifying to participate and compete at the 2021 National Leadership Conference this May.
Human Resources
The District is actively recruiting certified and classified staff during the prime hiring season to fill
vacancies due to retirements, resignations, and program expansion. The District is seeking innovative
faculty and staff to engage students in learning and teaching them how to connect what they have learned
to the real world. The District anticipates a special Board meeting in April to discuss staffing levels, and
anticipated needs for the 2021-2022 school term.
In February of 2021 the District administered two surveys to faculty and staff. As of March 1, 2021
approximately 168 District employees have received round 1 of the vaccination. 139 employees have
received rounds 1 and 2. Within the next three weeks the combined number of employees who will be
fully vaccinated is approximately 307 district wide. The responses are based upon a survey completed
by employees. 22 employees have indicated that they would like to receive the vaccination but have not
be able to schedule an appointment. On a daily basis the Office of Human Resources post the available
times and provides coverage to all employees interested in receiving the vaccination. 101 employees
have self-reported that they are not interested in receiving the vaccination at this time. Approximately
54 percent of District employees will be fully vaccinated within the next three weeks. 101 employees
are not interested in receiving the vaccination at this time. The District requires all employees to continue