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EDUCATIONAL District Digest
        V O L2  I S S UE
     Additionally, here are a few blog posts to support teachers, coaches, and leaders to be stronger No-Nonsense Nurturers:
        04          THE OFFICE OF

        A pril   2 02 0

                                                                                                         this issue
               April 13
             SAT Testing                                                                        Power Standards  P.1-2

               April 19                                                           What makes a Standard a Priority  P.2
           9th Grade Testing
                                                                                    National Board Certified Teacher P.2
               April 21
          10  Grade Testing

               April 24
           Parent University        FROM “PRIORITY STANDARDS: THE POWER OF FOCUS”

               April 27             BY PETER DEWITT
           Make Up Testing
                                   As course teams work on identifying and prioritizing essential standards, I want to
               April 28            share this blog with you to support the tremendous amount of collaboration you are
        National Honor Society
              Induction            engaged in right now.
                                   Priority or Supporting?  Standards should either play a starring role or a supporting
               April 28
             Future Ready          role in each grade level or course. Here’s how to distinguish the two:

                                   Priority Standards are “a carefully selected subset of the total list of the grade-specific
              May 3-17             and course-specific standards within each content area that students must know and
              AP Exams
                                   be able to do by the end of each school year in order to be prepared for the standards
            April 30- May 2        at the next grade level or course. Priority standards represent the assured student
            Prom Weekend           competencies that each teacher needs to help every student learn, and demonstrate
                                   proficiency in, by the end of the current grade or course” (Ainsworth, 2013, p. xv).
               May 14
          Last Day for Seniors   •  Supporting Standards are “those standards that support, connect to, or enhance the
                                   Priority Standards. They are taught within the context of the Priority Standards, but do
               May 23              not receive the same degree of instruction and assessment emphasis as do the Priority
             Graduation            Standards. The supporting standards often become the instructional scaffolds to help
                                   students  understand  and  attain  the  more  rigorous  and  comprehensive  Priority
               May 31              Standards” (Ainsworth, 2013, p. xv).
            Memorial Day

               June 1-4         •  Prioritizing certain standards over others does not mean eliminating those standards
           Enrichment Week         that do not make it into the starring roles. All standards must be taught and assessed,
                                   and  re-taught  and  reassessed,  to  gain  evidence  of  student  competency  of  those
                June 7             learning outcomes.
        Summer School Begins
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