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                                    Prioritizing the standards has nothing whatsoever to do with “lowering the bar,” and everything
                                    to do with focus. It is about “less” being more. The difference is in the degree of focus given to
    •  Endurance                    certain standards over others. Without a definite process to prioritize standards, teachers will
    •  (lasting beyond one          often “pick and choose” those standards to emphasize based on what they like to teach, what
        grade or course;
       concepts and skills          they have curriculum materials for, what they think students need to know and be able to do
        needed in life). Will       the following year, and/or those standards most likely to appear on the state test. But without
       proficiency of this          using specific criteria for prioritization, everyone will most likely select different standards from
       standard provide             their  colleagues  and  then  wonder  why  students  come  to  them  each  year  with  such  an
       students with the            inconsistent understanding of prior-grade standards.
       knowledge and skills
       that will be of value        The prioritization process relies upon effective collaboration between and among teachers.
       beyond the present?          Sitting  together  in  grade-alike  teams,  teachers  identify  through  in-depth  discussion  those
    •                               standards that meet specific selection criteria.
    •  Leverage
    •  (crossover                   When considering whether to select one particular standard over another, I always recommend
       application within the       that teachers discuss and decide which on is the more comprehensive or rigorous-not the more
       content area and to          foundational.
       other content areas, i.e.,
       interdisciplinary                  Nation Board Certified Teacher         What is National Board Certification? What does it
       connections). The                                                         mean to become a National Board Certified Teacher?
       ability to write an                                                         “National Board Certified Teachers have
       analytical summary or a        As  you  are  aware,  Rich  Township  High  School   demonstrated that they have met the profession’s
       persuasive essay will          became  a  National  Board  Professional   highest standards for accomplished practice through
       similarly help students        Development  school  for  the  2020-2021  school   a rigorous, performance-based, peer-review process.”
       in any academic                year.   This means that we are able to host cohorts
       discipline.                    of teachers pursuing National Board certification.   It means that a teacher has proven they have met the
    •                                 Our first cohort is approaching the finish line to   industry’s highest standards for teaching excellence.
                                                                                 This could be equated to an accountant that becomes
    •  Readiness for the next         achieving this hallmark of success, and we have   a CPA. National Board Certification elevates the
       level of learning              begun planning for the 2021-2022  school year   teaching profession.
    •  (prerequisite concepts         and the next NBCT Cohort.                    Additionally, 97% of teachers report that they
       and skills students need                                                  changed their classroom practices after going through
       to enter a new grade           For more information, please view the      the process towards Certification. To learn more, go
       level or course of             presentation below:                        to:
       study). Will proficiency
       of this standard provide       2021-2022 NBPTS Awareness Power Point      RICH TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL
       students with the              Presentation                                             DISTRICT 227
       essential knowledge            If you are interested in participating in the 2021-  20550 S CICERO AVENUE
                                                                                          MATTESON, IL 60443
       and skills that are            2022 cohort, please complete the registration   P 708.679.5800 F 708.679.5733
       necessary for future           form:
    •                              DR. JOHNNIE THOMAS
    •  External Exams
    •  --the concepts and skills      The Illinois National Board Candidate Fee   DR. STEPHEN BOURNES
       that students are most         Subsidy application window for teachers and school   Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services

       likely to encounter on         counselors pursuing National Board Certification   DR. JEFF BONOMO
       annual standardized            beginning in the 2020-2021 school year is open   Director of Curriculum and Data

       tests, college entrance        through  May 10, 2021.  Other information, including a   DR. IYUNA HARRIS
       exams, and                     guide, the application and the fee subsidy application   Director of Student Services
       occupational                   can be found on the website below:          JANICE WELLS
       competency exams        Director of Fine Arts & IB
       students will need to
       prepare for.
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