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                                       T H E   O F F I C E   O F   E D U C A T I O N A L   S E R V I C E S

                         DISTRICT DIGEST

         August 2020                                                                                 Volume 2, Issue 1

                                              GETTING US READY FOR
                                              THE NEXT LEVEL

                                              We are excited to
                                              welcome Jeremy
                                              Anderson to Rich
                                              Township High School
                                              District 227 as the
          STRONGER                            Keynote Speaker for

                                              the 2020-2021 Institute
          TOGETHER!                           Week.  Jeremy

          The 2020-2021 school year is all    Anderson is a leading                Jeremy has made it his
                                              expert, author, and
          about unifying people, campuses                                          life's work to help students
          and ideas to accomplish what we     one of the premier                   and teachers become
          could not do apart.   20-21 is      motivational speakers                the best version of
          about strengthening the             in the educational                   themselves.
          individual members of the           arena.  A constant                   Beyond all of his travels
          organization as well as the
          organization as a whole. We are     failure in school,                   and success, Jeremy is
          charged with strengthening our      Jeremy Anderson was                  most proud of his family.
          focus on students and their         able to transition from              He and his wife Traci, live
          success. We have set out to         that to now being a                  happily in Atlanta,
          make stronger students in the
          classrooms, on the campus at        powerful speaker who                 Georgia with their
          large, and on the competition       inspires and instructs               daughter Jewel and son
          fields. We are tasked to build      students, teachers and               Jaxon. Jeremy & Traci
          stronger staff to serve and meet    leaders on how to take               have been married for 10
          the needs of our students. We
          are compelled to make our           their lives to the next              years. In 2012, they both
          instructional programs stronger     level! Jeremy is a                   made a major sacrifice
          and more competitive. Finally, we   walking testimony of                 and walked away from
          are purposed to strengthen our      Next Level Living. He                two amazing careers to
          pedagogy around student             went on to receive his               pursue this journey of
          engagement and innovation.
          When we do all of these things,     high school diploma as               impacting schools. Today,
          we will be stronger together as     well as obtain his                   Jeremy owns several
          one high school, Rich Township      bachelor’s and                       successful businesses, and
          High School.                        master’s degrees.
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