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he has authored seven
         EXCITING                             TAKING THE NEXT                      books thus far!
         OPPORTUNITIES!                       GENERATION OF LEADERS
                                              TO THE NEXT LEVEL
                                                                                   •Journey into Leadership-
          Through a special afterschool       As 227 continues to grow and         Developing your story
          grant, the district is able to offer
          two exciting afterschool            become a premier institution         •Administrator Shadow
          programs. First, staff who are      of the south suburbs, there          Experience & Reflection
          interested in piloting an           will be an increase in the           •Participation on a district-level
          afterschool coding club should      opportunities for leadership.        committee
          email Dr. Bournes.                  This year Rich Township High         •Observation of a leadership
          The club will used the MAD-Learn    School is proud to announce          team meeting & Reflection
          program to make apps.               the Leadership Talent
                                                                                   •Leadership Project aligned to
                                              Development (LTD). This              district goal, target or school
                                              program will train a cohort of       improvement
                                              current staff member to be           •Presentation to district
                                              the district’s next leaders.         leadership.

                                              The Aspirant Class of 2021           If you are interested in being a

          The second after school program     will have the following              member of the district’s first
          will be After School Boot Camps.    experiences :                        cohort, please complete this
         These boot camps will                •Professional Reading                short form:
         provide young adults with            •Leadership Style Inventory
         experiences outside of               •Monthly Seminars with     
         the school day to increase           Guest Speakers
         their skill sets, increase
         college readiness skills and
         social-emotional support.
         These After School Boot
         Camps will be fun and
         engaging offering our young                                               Remote
         adults the opportunity to
         increase their capacity as                                                Instruction

                                                    UPCOMING EVENTS

                                                      Institute Week
                                                       August 17-21

                                                Freshman Orientation Week
                                                       August 24-27
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