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Rich Township High School District 227’s Illinois Biodiversity Field Trip Grant application was
approved by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ (IDNR) Division of Education for $418.60
to cover the cost of student transportation and teacher subs.
Hybrid Instruction Update
The table below captures the daily attendance as well as the average weekly attendance for the first
two weeks of hybrid instruction.
Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Average
2/1-5/21 116 168 170 158 153
2/8-12/21 134 141 141 132 137
2/15- 19/21 No School e-Learning 113 118 116
2/22-26/21 154 152 148 132 147
Average 139
Note: The student flex schedule may impact the daily attendance.
Course Scheduling
Master Schedulers have completed 2021-2022 course scheduling for all current students and incoming
A draft of the 2021-2022 School Year Calendar will be presented at the March Committee of the
Whole Meeting. A summary of the highlights of the calendar follows:
• Institute Days - August 9-10, 2021, January 7, 2022, and May 5, 2022.
• First Day of School for Freshmen - August 11, 2021
• First Day of School for Returning Students - August 12, 2021
• Fall Break - November 22-26, 2021
• Winter Break - December 23, 2021- January 7, 2022
• Spring Break - April 18-22, 2022
• Last Day of School - May 26, 2022
Voluntary Placements
The following students returned to campus February, 2021 from voluntary placements at RISE.
They have maintained their attendance over 75% and have met academic requirements.
10 Grade Female Student who was in possession of and used a weapon (mace).
10 Grade Female Student who was involved in a fight.
The pandemic impeded the campus’ ability to complete the community service requirement, but
students will complete that during second semester.