Page 94 - draft
P. 94

The time and attendance project is still in progress.

                In addition to the above activities, a considerable amount of time has been spent in meetings to
                support the technology items in the school consolidation plan.

                Buildings and Grounds Department

                An abatement will be necessary prior to construction this summer at both Rich South and Rich
                Central.  The areas to be abated are small and it will be a quick process.  Pepper Environmental
                will complete the work.  The areas scheduled for abatement are, flooring in a storage closet inside
                the book room at Rich South and some mechanical pipe insulation in a mechanical area at Rich
                Central.  The work is projected to occur during Spring Break.

                The District has submitted requests through the Sourcewell cooperative for items involved with
                this summer’s construction work.  We requested pricing for bleachers and artificial turf for the
                outdoor athletic stadium at Rich Central. Also, the bleachers for the indoor gymnasium at Rich
                South will be priced through Sourcewell.  These items will potentially be purchased by the
                District rather than through the bid projects in order to save time and money.  These items would
                then go before the Board of Education for approval separate from the construction project

                Due to Coronavirus, the Department of Buildings and Grounds has been discussing
                outbreak protocol among the department supervisors in case of need.  There is an outbreak
                cleaning standard already in place and the staff is trained on the steps to take if called upon.
                The protocol was implemented once already this year under the request of the Food Service
                Department.  They had an influx of influenza among their staff at Rich East and we took
                extra cleaning precautions in order to try to prevent further spread.  This protocol is
                explained in the Department’s cleaning standards guide and is ready for execution if

                The District received five bids for the intercom replacement at Rich South and Rich Central.  We
                are going over the products and will be making a decision on recommendation for the March
                Board Meeting.  More information will be presented at the Board meeting.


                                            EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/EDUCATOR
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99