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8.  Working with Educational Services and the campuses, work will begin preparing for April
                      All School Testing. The plan will include the staff, students, room locations, and testing
                      schedule for April 14.

                  9.  As we continue to strengthen our partnership with Governor State University, work
                      continues to create a computer science endorsement path for our staff in alignment with
                      ISBE’s standards.

                  10. Partnering with Prairie State, we are at the beginning discussions of creating a possible early
                      college option for our seniors in the area of construction trades.  Students will have the
                      opportunity to enroll in courses at PSC and continue their experience by working on a job
                      site in Park Forest, where renovations are currently happening.

               From the Coordinator for Career and Technical Education

               1.  LNA – Worked very closely with regional EFE Director and Educational Services to complete
                    the Local Needs Assessment due February 15.  This process includes an overall assessment in
                    consultation with stakeholders, how our overall CTE offerings measure upon:
                         o  Student performance by subgroup on Perkins core indicators
                         o  Alignment to labor market needs
                         o  Size, scope, and quality of CTE programs offered
                         o  Progress toward implementing CTE programs and programs of study
                         o  Recruitment, retention, and training for CTE educators and support professionals
                         o  Progress toward implementing and improving equal access and equity to CTE for all

               2.  Dual Credit Conversations – Classroom dual credit conversations were held at each of the
                    campuses to support students enrolled in our dual credit courses.  We have a total of 287
                    students enrolled in our dual credit courses and 64 students who have the opportunity to earn
                    proficiency credit as a result of certification.

               3.  CTE Advisory Council – Facilitated our first CTE Advisory Council meeting, which was held
                    at District Office on Monday, February 10.  The council is comprised of industry
                    stakeholders, collegiate faculty, instructors, administration, and students.

               4.  UIC Pharmacy Summer Camp – Working closely with the University of Illinois – Chicago in
                    partnership for Summer Pharmacy Camp for up and rising seniors.  The camp will be held on
                    campus June 29 through July 16. Rich Township has been given 15 slots for this student

               5.  Early College Institute/STEM 2020-21– Working with our counselor liaisons from each
                    campus and Dr. Bournes, identification of students for Early College Institute/STEM for the
                    2020-21 school year is underway.  In an effort to increase student enrollment, working with
                    the campuses and J. Bonomo to support students who need additional support in mathematics
                    via the ALEKS placement platform.


                                            EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/EDUCATOR
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95