P. 11
If you avoid your higher self, it’s like saying to yourself, “I’m not listening to you, I don’t
believe in you” and our self-confidence goes out the window. If you want to get your confidence
back, do what your higher self tells you to do. Quite often, you’ll be so glad you did.
The way you treat yourself not only physically but mentally has everything to do with the
way that you feel. Telling ourselves things like: “You’re stupid!”, “You can’t so anything right!”,
“What’s wrong with you?” A therapist would ask: “Is that the way you would talk to a friend?”
Therapy is a huge opportunity to become your own best friend rather than go through life as your
own worst enemy.
Another connection is our relationship with other people. Spend more time with friends,
family, mentors, and support groups. These are the people who see you, hear you and validate you.
Now more than ever, virtual support can be accessed anywhere in the world with the click of a
button. And as for those who take advantage of you: they will drain the life of your battery. Protect
your battery.
The last and certainly not least connection is your relationship with your Higher Power.
Whatever you believe in somehow practice it every day whether its reciting prayer, listening to
inspirational music, or reading sacred scripture. Maybe it’s watching a sunrise or a moonrise.
It’s important to note that belief is more than religion. You have a belief about everything.
What do you believe about love, health, or aging? I choose to believe that we don’t get older, we get
better! Your beliefs are why you think the way you do, which is why you feel the way you do, and
often act the way you do. Now is the perfect time to examine your beliefs and understand why you
believe them.
If nothing else, depression taught me how to endure difficult times and how to become more
resilient. These are days to strengthen your mind, your body and the way you connect. And if you
can’t do it on your own, please, ask for help.
There was a time, not so long ago, I didn’t know what my purpose was. Since then, I’ve
learned a couple reason we are all here: (1) We are here to evolve. This means go through some
kind of transformation which usually isn’t easy-that’s what science and religion tells us. (2) We are
here on earth to help each other (which of course leads to a third) We are here on earth to help
each other evolve. I can’t think of a better way to spend a pandemic or any other time for that
matter. Can you?