P. 13

DECEMBER 2020                                                              VOLUME I, ISSUE II
                                            DIY Dental

        We have been thoughtfully well equipped with all the tools we need to survive. Our egos
        NEVER want to hear that! Our analytical side wants to improve and reinvent everything
        sometimes, even what’s already perfect! What should we be cleaning our mouths with? I try
        not to introduce anything unnatural into my body but that’s not always an easy thing to pull
        off surrounded by our ultra-technological scientific approach to life. When you disturb the

        PH, mineral or bacterial balance of the body your natural defenses have a harder time doing
        their job.

        Here are a few natural DIY dental hygiene tips that are easy to assemble with product

        from most grocery stores:

        1. MOUTH WASH

        • 16 oz filtered or distilled water

        • 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide

        • 6 drops peppermint oil

        • 3 drops tea tree oil

        • 4-6 cloves

        • Pinch of bee pollen

        The bee pollen is a great antioxidant and anti-bacterial addition but some people don’t like the
        yellow color in their rinse. Let it sit for a day or two before you use it. The taste will improve! Adjust

        the cloves and peppermint to your liking.

        2. TOOTH POWDER

        • Try mixing your favorite combo from these choices:

        • Baking Soda or calcium powder- base/abrasive

        • Sea Salt- antiseptic

        • Clove Powder, Ground Cinnamon, Stevia, Anise, Peppermint, Neem Oil, Tea Tree

           Oil- flavor/antiseptic
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