Page 15 - Eat The Fat Off E-Book John Rowley PDF Download (Free Doc)
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All around you, heart disease is skyrocketing. Obesity is at near-
epidemic proportions. Type 2 Diabetes is now about to hit the 50%
mark. Half our country will have diabetes in ten years.
And it’s aéecting our kids and grandkids. They suéer the worse.
Think about it: did you ever see obese 12-year-olds by the millions
when you were twelve? Me neither. Now it’s commonplace.
Now I have a confession...
Thanks for letting me vent. It’s just that I so badly want to see our
nation and the world reclaim our health. To help put a dent into
this massive wall that stands between us and the life I believe God
desires for us both.
That said, I’m guilty myself.
That’s why I’m not casting judgment on you. I’d be throwing the
êrst stone. You see, I was in the same boat as you may be right
now. As millions of Americans are this very moment.
Truth is... I haven’t always been healthy. Not even close.
And unlike you, I almost became a cog in this $16 Billion machine
despite growing up with the answer to lifelong weight control and
healthy living right under my nose…
This Grecian secret was sitting right on our
dinner table