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First I got bored. Bored of the strict diet and insanity-level
workouts. So naturally I started eating like a madman.
Soon the Western fast foods wrapped their tentacles around my
soul. A new food addiction set in...and later kicked into high gear.
I got fat and sick, just like
most other Americans. I
put on over 60 pounds.
But that wasn’t the worst
I developed heart disease
in my 40s. So serious that I had to have surgery to undo the
damage of nearly 25 years of a Western diet. They actually had
to crack my chest open.
I was “this close” to death’s door, but I wasn’t about to knock…
My personal miracle was delivered in a magazine...
I started trying to eat “better”...whatever that means. It was so
confusing. I had eaten my way to near-death after all.
I went back to the low-fat “healthy” diet and workouts because
that’s all I knew. Months later I was weak. Fat. Sore all over. I just
assumed my best days were behind me.
Then one day I picked up a travel magazine. Inside there was an
article, The Island of Long Life with the picture you see below.
What is this magical place called?