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However, I’ve been sitting back for decades watching people I love

              die of diabetes. Heart disease. Cancer.

              And so many who aren’t dying are hardly living. Just getting fatter

              and sicker. Aging 10 years for every year they live...if you can call

              that living.  

              This is not how God intended humankind to live...and I believe His

              message to you is:

                "You're killing yourself slowly. Please stop."

              You know it’s true. You feel it in your bones. You can see it when

              you look in the mirror.

              Are you thin and vibrant? Or does it hurt to get out of bed every

              morning? Your gut hangs over your belt. Your thighs rub together.

              Why step on the scale? What’s the point?

              You already know the truth because you see it every day…

              ...and it’s getting worse.

              If you’re still healthy enough to read this letter consider yourself

              blessed. I’m about to reveal the story of a strange little enzyme.

              One that your body can make on its own. One that feeds on fat.

              One that your body has stopped producing due to some bad stué

              in our Western foods and soil.

              And a simple solution that, of all the crazy things, asks you to eat

              more fatty foods at night.
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