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The news he delivered that day was
soul-crushing. He was given a death
sentence by his doctor.
Terminal lung cancer.
He was given just 9 months to live.
Stamatis’ story thankfully didn’t end
there. He did something most of us
would never dream of doing...
And then he did something that changed
So what did he do? He simply went home. Home to a little island
oé the coast of Greece where he spent the êrst 23 years of his life.
Maybe it was seeing old friends. Or the Mediterranean climate. Or
the healthier foods. Whatever it was, within a few weeks his
energy had returned. A few more months passed. His color
returned. His skin improved. He lost 35 pounds simply eating the
native foods.
Near the nine month mark, Stamatis booked an appointment with
his cancer doctor back in the States. The test results were so
unusual, his doctor asked if he’d been taking experimental cancer
drugs. “No, I just went back home to die to be honest.”
“Stamatis, you’re not going to least not for a long time. Your
cancer appears to be in remission. I can’t explain it.”