Page 144 - Beltex Year Book 2024
P. 144

Lanark Sale
We changed things around and judged the sheep on the
Wednesday night at 5pm then held our AGM in Lanark Mart at
Jim Gibb, Toftcombs, ably judged a fantastic show of sheep.
Champion went to Jim Hamilton, Shawtonhill, with the first prize
shearling which went on to be the top price of the day at
7800gns and Reserve went to a gimmer from Andrew Baillie,
Callacrag. The sale had a great buzz throughout and the
commercial trade was very evident.
Stirling Sale
The trade at Stirling was a flyer, a fantastic ringside of buyers
wanting good commercial tups. Our judge Steven Paterson
tapped out a shearling from Jimmy Taylor, Ochtermuthill, as
Champion and Alasdair MacLean’s Tiree shearling as Reserve
which went on to secure the top price of 3600gns.
Beltex dominated the fat lambs at Livescot. A pair of untrimmed
lambs from John Guthrie and daughter Kirsty, from Cuiltburn,
was tapped out as Champion by judge, Andrew Morton,
Lochend. Many prize tickets were handed out to Beltex
On the Friday night at the pedigree show, Daniel Hodge’s ewe
lamb went on to take the MV Inter-breed Champion ticket with
Kenny O’Connor winning the tup lamb class.
Lanark In-Lamb Sale
A smaller show than usual of in lamb females were judged by
Grant Maxwell. It was Andrew Baillie’s Callacrag gimmer which
was Champion and Gordon Harrison’s Gordy’s second prize
gimmer in Reserve which went on to secure the top price of
The Taylor family from Heatheryhall had a production sale
following the Beltex Belters sale. The stock was turned out to
perfection which reflected in a very strong ringside of buyers all
trying to get a piece of Heatheryhall breeding. Top price on the
day was 5000gns. Credit to the Taylor family for a brilliant sale.

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