Page 13 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 13

     Read  1  Timothy  1:17  and  6:15-16.  Discuss  the  characteristics
                   ascribed to God in these verses:

                   Blessed – If happiness is the fullness of beauty, majesty, truth,
                   goodness, purity, righteousness, power, and love then God
                   possesses  it  all.    (Who  would  like  to  spend  eternity  in  the
                   presence of an unhappy God?)

                   Only Wise – There is no higher wisdom than what is found in
                   the Triune God.

                   Only Sovereign – God does as He pleases because what He
                   does is perfect. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
                   No one has a higher authority or power.

                   Immortal – He does not have a beginning and He does not
                   have an end.

                   Inaccessible  –  HE  is  too  holy  that  we  could  come  in  His
                   presence on our own merits. Exodus 19:18-25

                   Dwells in unapproachable light – His glory is such that no
                   man could see God and live.

                Discuss why no human can approach God in and of himself.

                Read Hebrews 10:19-20. What did God do to make it possible for
                   us to come in His presence and thus to talk to Him?

                Why then would you say must we regard it as an  enormous
                   privilege to approach God in prayer?
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