Page 18 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 18

2.  Distinguish  between  conditional  declarations  of  God  and
              unconditional  determinations  of  God.  In  Jonah,  God  gave  a
              condition. If the Assyrians do not repent, He will destroy them. So,
              they repent (man changes his behavior), and God did not punish
              them.  But  He  did  not  change  His  mind.  His  warning  to  them  to
              repent  was  successful.  We  find  an  example  of  an  unconditional
              declaration  in  2  Samuel  7:16:  “Your  house  and  your  kingdom  will
              endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.”
              There is no qualification expressed or implied in this declaration. No
              matter what David did or did not do, the word of the Lord would
              come to pass.

              So, the repentance of the Assyrians was no surprise to God. It was
              part of God’s council, determined in eternity.
               3.2   The necessity of prayer acknowledged.

              Find reasons for prayer in the following Scripture passages:

               Psalm 50:14,15

               Luke 11:9

               Philippians 4:6,7

               Colossians 4:2,3

                1 Thessalonians 5:17

                SC Q98

                HC Q 116
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