Page 22 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 22


              Introductory thoughts

              4.1    The place of prayer in the life of Jesus

                  How  busy  was  Jesus  during  His  ministry?  Mark  1:32-37,  40-45  and
                    Matthew 14:6-15,22,23.

                  What did Jesus do to ensure that He had time for prayer? Look at
                    Mark 1:35 and Matthew 14:23.

                  Did Jesus only pray on pre-determined/ scheduled times? Mark 1:35;
                    6:46,47; and 14:23

                  There was a clear correlation between Jesus’ prayer-life and the work
                    that  He  was  called  to  do.  During  important  events  in  His  life,  He
                    prayed. Match the correct passage with the event or work described
                    below. Luke 6:12,13; John 11:41,42; Luke 3:21,22; John 12:23-27,33.

                 ▪  Accepting and equipping for His public ministry

                 ▪  Choice of His disciples

                 ▪  His preaching leads to prayer
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