Page 25 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 25
created them, redeemed them, and also cared for them. It is
different in the New Testament. Jesus called God “Father” 170
times. It must have been exceedingly difficult for the Jews in Jesus’s
time on earth to hear Him speak of God as His Father. And when He
used the name “Abba,” it must have been worse. This is the form of
Father, a small, young child uses, namely “daddy.” A word that
expresses a deep sense of dependency and trust. But notice this.
There is a huge difference when we call God “Abba Father” and
when Jesus calls God “Abba Father. Look at Romans 8:15 and
Galatians 4:6 for the occurrence. What is the difference? We cry it
out (krazomen), from a deep sense of our need, misery, sin, and
guilt. When Jesus uses the expression, HE SAYS it elegen), because
that is who He is, the only Son of the living God.
a. What does it mean to you that you and Jesus address God as
your Father?
b. What does it mean to you that God is “Our Father?”
4.3 Jesus prayed with others also
We must not think that Jesus only prayed by himself when He was
alone. No, He also prayed with others. Look at a few examples:
Luke 9:28
Luke 3:21, 9:28-29
John 17:1-26
John 11:41
Luke 11:1 Lord, teach us to pray
4. Talk about the conclusion you could draw from the fact that
Jesus also prayed with others.
4.4 The exalted Jesus continues to pray for us