Page 24 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 24

the amount of time He spent in prayer. But we also see the perfect
              union between Him and the Father. Remember they are One. Thus, in
              Jesus' dependency, we see the reality of that unity so clearly. Finally,
              we also see that Jesus went away to pray because He did not want to
              be interrupted when He prayed.


              ▪  What  does  the  frequency  of  Jesus’  prayers  tell  you  about  your
                 prayer schedule and how much you depend upon God?
              ▪  How do you approach important events in your life?
              ▪  Often people first decided what they are going to do and then ask
                 the Lord to bless their action? Are you also guilty of this practice?
                 Any suggestions to do it differently?
              ▪  What could you do to plan your prayer times better especially not
                 to be interrupted?

              4.2    The character of Jesus’ prayer

                 How did Jesus address His Father in His prayers? See Luke
                    10:21;   Compare Luke 23:34,46 and John 17:1,5,11.]

                 Which three characteristics of God the Father is especially
                    highlighted in the Old Testament? Look at Isaiah 64:8; Isaiah
                    63:16 and Psalm 68:4-6

                                     Digging Deeper

              In the Old Testament, God is called “Father” only 15 times, and when
              it occurs in conjunction with the truth that He is the Creator of man.
              The reason why might be that the heathen religions at that time
              taught  that  man  came  forth  from  a  god.  However,  the  Old
              Testament  rejects  this  view.  God  is  Israel’s  Father  because  He
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