Page 27 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 27
The word that is used for Jesus’ prayer after His ascension is
different from the word that is used for prayer before his ascension.
The word for prayer after Jesus’ ascension is a juridical term with
legal meaning. It has the meaning of someone pleading for
something based on a right he/she has. What Jesus thus does as the
exalted Jesus is not to ask in a general manner. No, He pleads for us,
based on the right He has to stand before the Father; a right He
earned through His suffering and death. And God the Father
acknowledged this right when He raised Christ from the dead.
The assurance we have of our redemptions and prayers is thus
anchored in the intercession of Jesus who has earned the right to
plead for us! Even in our hearts, the Holy Spirit also calls upon this
right to comfort us and strengthen our faith.
a. How does it comfort you that Jesus prays for you?
b. Every one of us has our struggles and trials which we bring in
prayer before our God and Father. How does it comfort you
that you could pray about these concerns and all your needs?