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                                technology & product news
 F ilm-makers are constantly Director. “I believe that we have the
searching for new and differ- ent “looks” in post-production to convey moods and story. To cater for these needs in
such a fast-moving environment, technicians at Rank Film Labs are always busy initiating new processing and printing techniques.
Naturally, these are kept a close- ly-guarded secret so as not to alert competition as to their photo-chemi- cal recipes. And it’s not always an easy task to get labs to open up on the ways and means they go about achieving certain effects.
One of the more increasingly used “looks” for feature film projects is Rank’s Silver Enhancement system. The process is designed so that normal face densities remain about the same and shad- ows have a healthier appearance while colours are less prominent throughout the range. It also gives the appearance of an overall sharper image.
Although not normally recommended for tele- vision work, it should be noted that the negative is
 absolutely standard allowing normal or enhanced copies to be made. Ask Rank for any further details on the actual process and you’ll be hit by an insurmountable wall of secrecy but past fea- tures to have benefited by the system include Silverado, Runaway Train, Hamburger Hill and House of America.
“We place great emphasis on research and development,” says David Dowler, Rank’s Sales
finest scientific knowledge available in film processing, offering our cus- tomers the best and most advanced techniques in the world.”
Rank’s commitment to improv- ing constantly the service they offer to customers can be seen in their recent multi-million investment equipping and improving their labs in London, Hollywood and Toronto.
The company believes that the secret of their success lies in more than just processing techniques. According to Dowler, “the interna- tional experience and knowledge
our sales team has in really understanding what customers want has always stood us in good stead for repeat business from our customers.”
With recent feature films like Mission: Impossible, Goldeneye and The Saint to their cred- it, Rank appear to have more than just one secret formula up their sleeve. Further info, including a Demo Reel, from RFL’s Sales and Marketing Department on 01895 832323. ■
 E ver spotted an ideal location and didn’t have a camera handy? Or come across a group of people who could have been created spe- cially for the production you’re
working on and had nothing to record them with? Or just wanted a quick picture for reference or as a memory jogger? Or
as a memento of a special occasion? The answer’s easy - a Fujifilm QuickSnap Super Slim single use cam- era. They’re tiny - the Super Slim weighs in at only 40 grammes but still packs plenty of picture power. The Super Slim Flash is the “smallest flasher” in the world, so
whichever you choose it will fit easily into a pock- et, bag or car glove compartment with ease. They take great pictures with the pre-loaded Fujicolor Nexia 400 film, just named as Film of the Year by Amateur Photographer.
And they use Advanced Photo System tech- nology so you can view the pictures on a televi- sion screen or on computer, as well as in print form. In the citation for the Amateur Photographer award, the judges said that Fujicolor Nexia was the “Martini of the film world - good for any time any place anywhere.”
Combine it with Fujifilm QuickSnap Super Slim single use cameras and you have a truly great photographic cocktail! . ■
  EXPOSURE • 22 & 23

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