Page 470 - FINAL MASTER 616pp 20-6-19
P. 470

such genuine “savings”. And you concealed from them that you had cancelled a very substantial element of the contract with A&R Lawrence. Had lessees understood at that time that monies theoretically “saved” by cancelling work contracted to A&R Lawrence would actually be charged to them by MHML and/or yourself, they would never have stood for it.
None of the above holds water. All lessees were well advised during the 2014 works to await the Annual Accounts Summary and peruse all invoices/documents etc at their leisure. As previously stated, we’d (me) have been pretty stupid to have “stolen” or even slightly “misappropriated” any funds having invited and expected a rush to arms to view the final accounts, most especially by Mrs Hillgarth.
There’s no way, I’m pretty certain, that any lessee, including Mrs Hillgarth most definitely, Flat 3 [Leoni Sceti] and Flat 9 [Fortunati] would have raised an eyebrow had the savings been made and spent by anyone else than me. Mrs Hillgarth initially wanted a warm coral/green, Flat 3 [Leoni Sceti] wanted a warm yellow and Flat 9 [Fortunati] wanted white and taupe plus a black lift and brass candle lanterns but all still couldn’t agree due to their differing opinion re the décor colour –
Twas my fingerprints that upset the applecart – petty jealousies, a vendetta, and I can’t be sure Mrs Hillgarth knows the difference between truth and common sense? One final point, you reference PRS being your first port of call. That’s ridiculous. Mrs Hillgarth could have called PRS ten minutes after being refused to view accounts as way back as June 8th 2015 had she requested of us to view and we refused to oblige. Had she viewed the accounts and posed her queries including the “additional unaffordable” works executed, the Surveyor’s fees [one accusation was we did not employ one] the MHML invoice [possibly I would have told her my fees, but doubtful] and she could not get satisfactory answers to all and any of her concerns, she might have then sought legal advice – BUT NO WAY would she have raised the issue of making savings to fund hers/our/everybody’s wish list of “additional unaffordable” in the presence of Mr Segar Karupiah as we both would have reminded and chastised her for poor memory – and just possibly played her the audio.
I dread to think how much money that would have saved her?
Answers to your other queries can be found at the penultimate page of the attached booklet! Apologies but as soon as I start one reply, you send yet another needing attention, but as I said, I enjoy the process mainly because I [and certainly Messrs Karupiah & Raja are totally innocent of all your accusations and innuendos as all accusations and innuendos and libels fall squarely at my door as I was very much hands on, concierge/bookkeeper/designer and artisan – neither Messrs Karupiah & Raja have anything to answer for as everything was my responsibility, décor, banking, accounts, complaints,, contracts etc so please do not continue to involve them in what is my battle and only mine with Mrs Hillgarth who knows full well what is the truth and that includes an unhealthy vendetta.

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