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 From: Michele Hillgarth Subject: RE: Mitre House costs & queries
Date: 7 November 2011 at 18:06
To: Graffiti Editions Limited
Hello Paul
Thank you for your last emails and attachments
Yes you are correct as today I am still not down on the Directorship .....................................
Re insurance I will takea quote from my insurance but do we know the value of the building as I suspect this will be the main request from the insurer
I am all in favour to have an Agent running the place for obvious reasons. Paul we did discuss on which term it could be done. For what it's worth.
I can do lunch on Tuesday or Wednesday but if possible not before 13.30 Best regards
-----Original Message-----
From: Graffiti Editions Limited [] Sent: 06 November 2011 21:00
To: Jamil Raja;; Michele Sigg Hillgarth;;
Subject: Mitre House costs & queries
Here's the (almost) final costings re: Auction purchase of the headlease - courtesy of our Solicitor, Chris Hodges (Rose & Rose) -
We've each paid £1905 plus £108 = a total each of
£2013 x 4 Directors = £8052 + Samya's £108 (paid by her but she decided not to proceed) meaning a Grand Total cost of £8160
Not too bad seeing as original estimates were around £8000. Note our Solicitor's fees of £2144 (plus £540 paid previously) therefore totalling £2684 - against an original estimate of £2500 odd
- All within acceptable budgets these days.
I also attach our Insurance document (£1439.68) along with a very interesting article on Agent's commissions pushing the price up by 40% odd - suggest those that understand insurance (I do
NOT) get an independent quote to see if we can reduce our quote down considerably.
Jamil is doing the shareholding and will advise when done - Michele was added as a Director on 11 October once her correct final information was to hand - see (Michele details) attached which was advised and sent to her on 11 October to confirm.
Perhaps Jamil could also check that all 4 of us are down as Directors and confirm same to finally put this query to bed - Michele still thinks she is
not down as a Director.

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